“Halo-Halo: Visiting Historic Filipinotown”, Digital Illustration, 2023, 24˝x16˝
Cesar Cueva
I am a proud Filipino American, self-described introvert, and I like what I like. My life and artwork has been inspired by many things including, but not limited to, cartoons, video games, comic books, movies, Filipino American history, and issues surrounding social justice and equity. I’ve always been hyper-aware of my Filipino American community and I’ve made it a point to learn more about my community as well as other groups and communities that share similar issues and struggles. This knowledge shows through in my art as I make a conscious effort to combine elements of Filipino and pop culture into art that brings a perspective of engaging issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, etc. The goal of my art is to create a fun, entertaining way of presenting complex issues and themes in order to create dialogue that is a catalyst for change.