“Ma and Lola in the Province”, watercolor, 2021, 5˝x3.5˝
“Pa, Facundo”, watercolor, 2021, 5˝x3.5˝
Artist Statement
I’ve always felt a kinship to watercolor. I love the the way water feels on the brush and the way light can come through. I love how fleeing it can be, how quickly you can look at something, paint, and see how it comes through you and onto the paper. I’m always a little shocked at the outcome. The paintings I’m most happiest with are those when I’m not thinking, not in my head, and just allowing the water to flow through me.
These two paintings are dear to my heart. The photos I referenced were taken and developed by my Dad in the Philippines back in the 1960’s before we came here. He wasn’t a professional photographer, but a serious hobbyist who had his own dark room and always carried a tripod on his travels as a merchant marine. The photos were in black and white and some in sepia. I wasn’t sure how I would feel painting them now years later. He captured a moment, in his medium and in his eye. And now, half a lifetime later, I’m reinterpreting that moment in my medium and my eye. It’s a strange and beautiful connection.