“Something for Everyone”, fabric nail wipes, various nail art products, thread, ribbon, 2024, 104˝x58˝x2˝ - A better image will be posted once the piece is hung in the gallery.
Melody Petalstorm has been a professional Nail Artist for ten years. This is her first art piece to be shown in a gallery! She channels vibes and visions onto finger tips, and saves the beautiful bits from the process; things that would normally be discarded. This nail art trash represents years of manicures. As a Queer Feminist, she runs a ‘Shame Free Nail Shop’ where clients can show up as they are, and transmute the daily grind through nail joy. Color as magic! Claws as metaphorical weapons! Aesthetics as power! Her work can be found on Instagram at @MzMelodyMagic.