“I Am Here”, sumi ink on handmade xuan paper, 2024, 23˝x13˝
Artist statement:
I consider myself a minimalist, with a simple and modern style in most everything I do. My daily routine includes practicing Tai Chi Chuan and unwinding with Chinese calligraphy. While sketching, my cat is often my muse. I am interested in portraying cat’s cool, calm, independent characters with a sense of aloofness. And I try to use minimum brush strokes to capture the essence. It’s always fascinating and challenging for me to paint/write with sumi ink because once my brush touches the paper, that’s it! There is no way to undo or redo. By experimenting different brush strokes techniques, I’ve found various effects, textures and dimensions of space on paper. It allows me to discover my own contemporary vision in my very ancient cultural practice.